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Looking for Waiter & Waitress

  • Salary: AED2,000.00
  • City: Dubai
  • Address: Dubai
  • Phone: 0561801398
  • Industry: Hotels/Restaurant
  • Career: Entry Level
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: May 4, 2021 4:02 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired


We are looking for a skilled WAITER AND WAITRESS to take orders and deliver food and beverages to our customers. And their responsibilities include greeting and serving customers, providing detailed information on menus, multi-tasking various front-of-the-house duties and collecting the bill. If you are able to perform well in fast-paced environments, we’d like to meet you. To be a successful Waiter or Waitress, you should be polite with our customers and make sure they enjoy their meals. You should also be a team player and be able to effectively communicate with our Kitchen Staff to make sure orders are accurate and delivered promptly.

Any Nationality (Except Nigerian & Arabic) YOUNG, WITH PLEASING PERSONALITY and proven skills as waiter /waitress.
Attractive Salary package.

Job Types:
Full-time, Contract

serving: 2 years (Preferred)


Contract Duration:
24 Months

Note: Interested Candidates can Send Resume to this Email: [email protected] or call: 0561801398



Listing ID: 216609104ac02eba

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