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Telemarketing Executive and Office clerk

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Entertainment
  • Career: Entry Level
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: May 14, 2020 9:36 am
  • Expires: This ad has expired



The candidate must be having excellent communication skills.

Must be having a good telephone manner.

Proficient computer skills are required.

Client interfacing skills are also required.

Remarkable multitasking abilities are wanted.


Making tele calls on a daily basis and fixing meeting with decision makers.

Organizing meeting and informing meeting details to sales team.

Making sure that the sales team is properly making client follow ups.

056-2697049 050-7995296 Submit your cv [email protected]

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB606913129

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