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Civil Engineer with 2+ Years of U.A.E Experience, Holding valid U.A.E driving license.

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Sharjah
  • Profession: Other
  • Listed: November 11, 2019 10:42 am
  • Expires: This ad has expired


I am a graduate in B.tech Civil Engineer with 2+ years of proficient and significant experience in Geotechnical exploration and Material testing within the construction field of the U.A.E.I am a GCC student born and brought up here in Dubai. I can work as a Junior / Assistant Civil Engineer/ Material Inspector/ QA-QC Engineer. I am a holder of the U.A.E Driving license.I would like to request for a suitable position in an esteemed organization. I am currently in 3 months Visit visa valid up to January 2020.Mobile number: 056-4480165

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB25518834

One Response to “Civil Engineer with 2+ Years of U.A.E Experience, Holding valid U.A.E driving license.”

  1. Salute,
    My name is Miss Grace, I saw your profile today and I wish to request
    for your true friendship. i have an important reason of contacting you
    and I hope we can share great experiences together beyond here. write to
    me direct with this my email address;( [email protected] )
    and i will send you my picture for you to know whom i am, thanks for your

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