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Customer Service Agent Required

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Other
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: January 23, 2023 12:29 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired


The purpose of this role is to engage with and co-ordinate program beneficiary applications using the program platform
The jobholder will act as a liaison, provide program-related information, answer to queries and concerns, and carry out administrative duties

Duties and Responsibilities
Maintaining a positive, empathetic, and professional attitude toward customers at all times.
Responding promptly to customer inquiries.
Communicating with customers through various channels.
Acknowledging and resolving customer complaints.
Knowing our products inside and out so that you can answer questions.
Processing orders, forms, applications, and requests.
Keeping records of customer interactions, transactions, comments, and complaints.
Communicating and coordinating with colleagues as necessary.
Providing feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process.

Work closely with management team in the region.
Reporting to the Program Manager in region
Work with the related divisions
Maintain ongoing and frequent communication with staff including global staff.

Educational Background and Experience

1-2 years experience working in a healthcare customer services role
Experience in data entry, monitoring and management

Interested Candidates Send there resume through WhatsApp +971523894873


Listing ID: JOB1609603532

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