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Welding Co-ordinator

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Oil/Gas/Petroleum
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Male
  • Listed: January 15, 2020 4:41 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired


Job Opportunity: Welder CoordinatorAvailable in UAE ONLYWelder coordinator, job description: 1. Responsible for project welding management work, compile project PQR (welding procedure qualification) and WPS (welding procedure specification), compile MS / RA (construction plan and safety analysis) according to construction drawings and organize implementation; 2. Responsible for the quality acceptance of various welding operations, compiling and collecting welding data 3. Responsible for contacting third-party testing agencies to complete various welding inspections, certifications, and collect related reports 4. Responsible for welder management, organization of welder examinations, job evaluation, etc., responsible for welder work dispatch 5. Responsible for the preparation of welding materials and tools purchase plans according to the construction project 6. Responsible for other welding related work arrangementsother requirements: 1. Understand the requirements of ASME and local laws and regulations in Dubai, and be able to organize site construction according to the requirements of the code 2. Locally certified RT (ray) level 2 and PT / MT (magnetic powder or penetration) level 2 qualification certificates 3. Able to communicate and write documents in English, computer skillsSalary 4.5k plus accommodation and transportationSend cv to [email protected] Subject must be “Welding Coordinator”

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB1148497814

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