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  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Education
  • Career: Management
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: July 12, 2024 1:03 pm
  • Expires: 302 days, 6 hours


We are currently looking for a friendly and competent teacher assistant to join our team. If you are a compassionate and self-motivated individual with a specific interest in education, we urge you to apply! In this position, you will be responsible for supervising students, developing lesson plans, preparing lesson material, and maintaining classroom tidiness.

The successful candidate must enjoy working with children and be devoted to building a nurturing and safe learning environment. To excel in this role, you must demonstrate excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as in-depth knowledge of classroom activities and teaching methods.

Send your resume on the given email:[email protected]

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB654283798

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