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  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Oil/Gas/Petroleum
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: November 9, 2023 11:06 am
  • Expires: 44 days, 14 hours


We are seeking a responsible Safety Officer to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety (OHS) guidelines. Your primary role will be advising on measures to minimize hazards and maintain a safe working environment. Vigilance in identifying violations is crucial.

Support the development of OHS policies and programs
Advise and instruct on various safety-related topics (noise levels, use of machinery etc.)
Conduct risk assessment and enforce preventative measures
Review existing policies and measures and update according to legislation

Requirements and skills
Proven experience as safety officer
In depth knowledge of legislation (e.g. OSHA/EPA) and procedures
Knowledge of potentially hazardous materials or practices
Experience in writing reports and policies for health and safety

Note: Candidates Can Apply Only Inside UAE

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB2116674340

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