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  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Hotels/Restaurant
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: October 11, 2024 9:34 am
  • Expires: 348 days, 13 hours


We are seeking an experienced restaurant supervisor to join our team. In this role, you will be asked to perform a variety of managerial functions. This starts with providing our guests with a consistently high-quality dining experience. To do this, you will need to motivate our staff and demonstrate superior customer service skills.

As a supervisor, you will also help our team meet its standards for quality and profitability. This will involve ensuring that all food health and safety requirements are met. Your job may also require you to hire new staff, train them, and create schedules that reflect the dynamic needs of the restaurant.

Restaurant Supervisor Responsibilities:
Assist in the hiring and training of new employees as well as the continuous training of existing staff
Oversee both front and back of house operations, including wait staff, kitchen crew, and bussing staff
Maintain high-quality food standards
Oversee our kitchen staff’s compliance with all health code and sanitation requirements
Provide exceptional customer service and lead staff to do the same
Respond to customer complaints quickly and resolve them effectively
Develop strategies for improving our customers’ dining experience
Work with staff to project future needs for kitchen supplies, goods, and cleaning products.
Maintain inventory of all needed supplies
Identify methods our restaurant can use to cut waste, decrease costs, and improve profits
Manage the work schedules of our restaurant’s staff


[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB103974304

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