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  • Salary: AED23,500.00
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Other
  • Career: Unspecified
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Male
  • Listed: July 18, 2020 4:30 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired


Job Responsibilities: • Candidate with experience in ISO certified glass processing industry will be preferred. • Candidate should have experience in quality inspection Should be familiar with all international quality standards. • Candidate should be capable of Training & Implementing Quality Systems and reduce rejections. • Should be conversant with writing reports. • Should possess good communication skills. • Takes the right and fast decision of not packaging any defected products. • Troubleshoot and resolve problems relating to quality control aspects in coordination with the Plant Head. • Directly works with the Plant Head in developing QA / QC standards and procedures for the company in order to assure production / fabrication quality. • The QA / QC Manager is also responsible in creating QA / QC Plan, Manage QA / QC Team and will be responsible in implementing and executing of the plan. • Will also monitor the quality, documentation of the process in accordance with contract specifications, documents deviations from the contracts and provide plans to rectify contract deviations.

Internal/External Interactions. • Works directly with Plant Head and Director as a liaison to the Project Management to ensure that quality is achieved effectively. • Works with consultants and / or customers (where applicable) to reassure that proper (or specified) QA/QC procedures are being observed and utilized in an effective manner.

Functional Responsibilities.

• Monitors production quality to ensure that it is in accordance with project and/or JO specifications (if applicable). • Will act as the Consultant and/or will be the alter ego of the operations. • Approves or rejects raw material’s quality for production use.

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB154877147

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