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Environmental Engineer Seeks job in UAE

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Profession: Engineering
  • Listed: August 9, 2024 11:22 pm
  • Expires: 321 days, 23 hours


Dear Sir,

I am writing you for the possible opportunity of Environmental Engineer at your organization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

I am a young Environmental Engineer; I graduated with BE Environmental Engineering in 2021 and have worked for one (01) & half year in industrial wastewater treatment plants process and operations. I have strong interest in process and operation of water and wastewater treatment plants and technologies.

I believe that my qualification and past experience in water/wastewater treatment field and practical skills set compliment the relevant possible roles. I am capable of working under stressful conditions with strong work ethics and full commitment to meet deliverable deadlines.

I am currently present in UAE and looking for suitable opportunities. I request to please consider my candidacy for possible role of Environmental Engineer in water and wastewater department.

Please find attached my detailed CV and experience letter. Thank you for your consideration and please do not hesitate to contact me by via email preferably or mobile.

phone no. 0583026192

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB1996338360

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