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Engineer Assistant

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Engineering
  • Career: Entry Level
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: June 27, 2024 10:57 am
  • Expires: 278 days, 11 hours



Education: DIPLOMA or HIGHT SCHOOL degree or a related field (preferred).
Experience: Previous experience in engineering or technical support roles is advantageous.
Technical Skills: Proficiency in CAD software, technical drawing, and engineering calculations.
Knowledge: Understanding of engineering principles, construction methods, and materials.

Technical Support: Assist engineers in designing, testing, and modifying engineering projects.
Documentation: Prepare technical documents, reports, and drawings under the supervision of engineers.
Field Work: Conduct field inspections and surveys, collecting data and ensuring compliance with specifications.
Project Coordination: Coordinate project schedules, budgets, and resources to ensure timely completion.
Quality Assurance: Assist in quality control and quality assurance processes to maintain project standards.
Safety Compliance: Ensure adherence to safety protocols and regulations on project sites.
Skills Highlights:

Problem-Solving: Ability to analyze technical issues and propose solutions.
Communication: Effective verbal and written communication skills to collaborate with engineers and stakeholders.
Detail-Oriented: Strong attention to detail in technical drawings and project documentation.
Team Collaboration: Work effectively in a team environment, supporting engineering teams and contractors.


[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB353090689

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