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CPA qualified looking for job with 10 Year UAE Experience

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Profession: Accounting/Audit
  • Listed: February 15, 2020 2:41 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired


Can join immediately. Currently on Employment VisaCPA Qualified + M.COMHave a broadening experience of rendering accounting responsibilities up to finalization complying IFRS,IAS,GAAP & SOX Complying accounting. 1-ANALYTICAL SKILLSPossess a good grip in dissecting the financials with RATIO analysis with profitability,liquidity and solvency ratios, VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL analysis, INVENTORY analysis & interpreting the financial results. Have expertise in doing BREAKEVEN analysis, COST BENEFIT analysis,INCREMENTAL analysis,INVESTMENT appraisals using NPV,IRR,ARR & PAYBACK PERIOD techniques. Scientific budgeting,Product costing.2-VAT SKILLSHands on experience in handling various Input ,Output VAT scenarios including filing, refunds, adjustments of VAT & voluntary declaration of mistakes more than AED 10,000, profit margin scheme,Reverse charge mechanism,Exempt and Zero rated supplies,Violation penalties,Tax invoice and Credit notes requirements etc. 3- EXPORT AND LC SKILLSSpecial dexterity to handle LC from Application to Acceptance letter completely. Creditor & Debtor follow up-reconciliation skills .Inventory Management & Inventory reconciliations.4- COVERING LIQUIDITY RISKSWide experience of managing the cash flows to ensure sufficiency of funds & liquidity to meet the term payments. Proficiency in handling Bank Guarantees, O/D facilities, TR loans, CBNs, Import invoice financing & fax indemnities.5- HANDLING MANUFACTURING & PROJECTS ORIENTED BUSINESSES ACCOUNTINGEncompass an extensive experience of handling manufacturing & contract based business.6- COMPLYING ACCOUNTING STANDARDSKnowledgeable in IAS 1,2,8,10,16,18,23,36,38 and practically implemented in these in my career whenever required like impairment review,LCM for inventory,ascertaining the assets costs, revenue recognition,capitalizing borrowing costs,changing accounting policies etc7-ADVANCE EXCEL SkillsCan do Index with match,IFerror with Vlookup,conditional Sum,Pivot table,IF with AND, IF with OR,Prohibition of duplicate entries in spreadsheet through Data Validation,Nested if function,Concatenate,Trim, integer,Rank,Upper,Lower,Plotting the BREAKEVEN charts,Running the macros and many more.8-SOFTWARE SKILLSQuickbooks,MS Dynamics Navision,Tally ERP 9,Peachtree,Xero, Dynamics AX D365SAP FICO Skills Major Configuration tasks of Organizational Structure in FI (GL, AP, AR, and AA) along with the sound knowledge of bookkeeping in FI. FI Basic Settings . A/R. A/P. Fixed Assets & Bank Reco 


Listing ID: JOB702195832

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