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HR Clerk

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Shipping
  • Career: Management
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: September 19, 2024 10:58 am
  • Expires: 359 days, 7 hours


Our Human Resources department is looking for a hardworking candidate to join our team as an HR Clerk. As an HR Clerk, you will be responsible for publishing job advertisements on various platforms. You will also be responsible for performing clerical duties as well as organizing training sessions for the new employees.

Explaining the company policies to the new employees.

Assisting the team members in the onboarding process.

Preparing employee productivity reports on a weekly basis.

Verifying employees’ documentation and organizing them accordingly.

High school diploma or a related field.

Proven work experience as an HR Clerk, HR Intern, or a similar role in the Human Resources department.

Excellent oral and written communication skills.

Understanding and experience of various HR functions.

Note: Candidate Can Apply Only Inside UAE

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB1607682377

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Never send money to anyone Real employers don't ask for money at all.
Check the contact person authenticity Employers usually don't use email account from free providers such as gmail or yahoo etc.
Check the company website Ask for the employer website, and try to verify its authenticity.
Just be careful Make sure you are talking with real people and not a bad scammer.
Report scams if you feel one of the posts posted on our website is a scam, please make sure to report it so we can take an action regard it.