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Taxi, Bike & Bus Drivers

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Transportation
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: May 27, 2024 7:20 pm
  • Expires: 244 days, 17 hours


Taxi Drivers
UAE, GCC & HCL driving license holders, No License
Salary- Commission Basis (35%) with an average monthly income of AED3000-5000
Requirements: Age 23-50 | All Nationals

Bike Riders
UAE, GCC & HCL driving license holders
Requirements: Age between 23-45 yrs | All Nationals especially Bangladesh Nationals

Bus Drivers
UAE, GCC driving license holders
Requirements: Age between 23-50 yrs | All Nationals

Documents Required:
1. Copy of residence/visit visa
2. Copy of UAE national ID
3. Copy of driving license
4. Passport copy
5. Copy of the CV
6. Photo (3 pcs) white background

Visit and submit the documents required at:
M-11 Abu Hail Center, Privilege Labour Recruitment Office.

For more Inquiries Call 04-2626003 & 04-2626565

Listing ID: JOB1615605884

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