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Area Manager

  • Salary: After Interview
  • City: Dubai
  • Industry: Real Estate
  • Career: Mid Career
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any
  • Listed: November 20, 2023 11:42 am
  • Expires: 54 days, 6 hours


We are looking for an experienced Area Manager to organize and oversee the operations of a number of stores. You will assume responsibility for the overall success of the stores by setting targets, supervising store managers, and ensuring they are attained.

Formulate fruitful business development strategies to ensure long-term success
Set standards and objectives for different stores and departments
Optimize and oversee operations to ensure efficiency
Lead a team of store managers towards effective collaboration and attainment of goals

Requirements and skills
Proven experience as area manager, store manager, assistant manager or similar managerial role
Knowledge of performance evaluation metrics and principles
Sound understanding of optimization of store operations and standards for success

Note: Candidates Can Apply Only Inside UAE

[email protected]

Listing ID: JOB2090791904

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